Monday 6 February 2012

Day 6: Thoughts from Kenzie

Some of the 21 people crammed into
a 15 passanger vehicle

On the way to Puga
Today was great, and also very long J! We woke up at 6 am to clean out our rooms to make space for Sunday school this morning.  After we were all cleaned up and ready we headed off to church in Puga. On the way a couple people that had stayed the night in Tepic after the youth group the night before had to go back to Puga...thus we only had one van available to us...and a couple seats in the other,  so we crammed 21 of us into a 12 passenger van. Bonding time J!

One of the team performing their dance
to the kids in a tiny classroom.

Walking through the decorated streets
in Puga

We drove along the twisty, bumpy, and crazy roads until we got the small town. The town was beautiful, colourful houses and handmade decorations streamed across the narrow streets, giving the town tons of character before we even got out of our vans. We talked to some of the teens from the church and then walked around the town streets inviting little “ninos” and “ninas” to our program at the church.

Raela and Josh entertaining the kids
with their puppet show "The Trap"

Worship service in Puga

The program went great and we had fun getting to know and playing with the kids.  Those of us that were not involved with the kids program stayed in the wonderful service and once again experienced the inspiring worship. We then headed back, some of us had to go into another vehicle and got to talk with some Mexican teens. We talked the whole way back about American bands, and who was the best.   Apparently Justin Beiber is greatly loved by the girls but hated by the guys here.  It was a lot of fun to try and communicate with a language berrier, it was alot of fun. Then we got back to the church and had lunch...and a much needed extended siesta. 

Hillary chatting with a new friend

We then attended a prayer time before the evening service and then walked to the nearby coffee shop. (I think they are beginning to know us by name we are there so often...Mr. Ferguson!) We came back to the church for the evening service where we met up with a couple people that we had made friends with earlier. orship here was once again extremely touching.  Something about singing a song that you know and have heard back home so much and then singing it in Spanish is so beautiful.  
After the service we headed off to TACOS! I think this was a highlight ( food-wise) for many of us.  They were the best tacos I have ever tasted.  Then we all went to bed after yet another great day here in Mexico.


  1. what a wonderful update!!! Thank you Kenzie. So nice to see our girl. Bless you all.

  2. Great report Kenzie! And again, SO appreciate the great pictures... Hey Alison, sure is nice to see your smile! Grandpa Loewen and Grandma Jean have been reading the blog too!

    Oh, the manager from Tim Horton's called today to inquire about your trip! They've noticed the decrease in sales and wondered when Mr. Ferguson and his Grade 12's were going to return.... ;) (ha ha)

    And please ask Mrs. McCutcheon if she's SURE she gave the right paint swatch to Mr. Senecal...I didn't think she wanted her room painted the same as Veronica's bedroom???

    Finish strong you guys! :)

  3. Great job once again! Hard to believe there is only a few days left! Enjoy!

  4. Mikayla - We love you and miss you! It is so good to see pictures of you. We pray for you lots. We are looking forward to seeing you in a few days!
    Love, Mom, Dad, Keesha, Tyler, and Miko

  5. YESH good job....stay away from strangers....

  6. It's great to see all the wonderful pictures and read about what you are doing. I loved the picture of the van as it reminded me of a time when our bus was filled with a few more passengers than seat belts. Make the most of your last few days as they will go by very quickly. Your hope will not be disappointed Prov. 23:18

  7. Hi MaryBeth. Mommy really really really misses you lot's. Praying for you every day and night. Can't wait to see you. Spoke to Rayla's mom and she said you can get a drive back with her Dad Thurs evening. Mom will sleep a bit and then get up to see you when you arrive. I hope you found this experience a big blessing. Daddy didn't want cake for his 45th tonight so when you get home we will buy an ice cream cake of your choice. /counting the days till I see you return.

    Love Mommy (Leanne)

  8. Hi Trent! How are you doing? Looking forward to your return and hear all about your experience. I continue to pray for you and the rest of the team. Enjoy your last few days okay!
    Love Grandma G.

  9. I MISS ALL OF YOU!!!!!!! but it sounds like you guys are enjoying yourselves.

    kenzie--- nice report... i like hearing from you guys.

    hilary--- i see you made a cute friend... your bubbly characteristic will make that easy for you.

    all of you--- hope to see you soon.!! love you all!!

    love ashley!! ♥
