Sunday 5 February 2012

Day 5: Thoughts from Kayly

Alison, Brittany & Kayly
preparing Tortas

Serving breakfast on a
basketball court
 Most of us can’t keep track of what day it is, the trip is flying by so quickly.  Since today was Saturday, we had a ‘fun day’.  We started off the day with a yummy pancake breakfast at the church.  Then we headed off to La Cantera, where we were made a breakfast for the kids around the church.  The church there hosts a kid’s breakfast every other week.  

Steven hanging out with some
of his new friends

Jon playing football (a.k.a soccer)
with local boys
  When we got there we split into several groups. Some people went off to invite kids to the breakfast, some of us made the food, and some played with the kids.

"Armour of God" team doing the
Amare dance

Travis sharing his testimony
in Spanish (no translator needed!)
 We served breakfast (Tortas - a grilled bun with sour cream, tomatoes, onions, and ham), was enjoyed by the kids a lot.  After they ate we did one of the programs that we had been practising at home.  They loved the balloons and face painting that we did after. The balloon swords were extremely popular.  The little boys there had so much energy that a few of the guys from our team (e.g. Josh) were pretty played out by the time we left.

Mikayla & Kayly drawing chalk art
for the kids

This girl was so nervous that her
balloon armour was going to pop!
 Of course, there we many new little friends that we had made that were hard to say good-bye to when we had to leave. We got back to the church earlier than we had expected so we had even more time to hang out and relax before our afternoon at the market. 

Caleb being "mobbed" by kids
wanting his balloon art

Kayly painting a "mariposa"
(butterfly) on one of the girls

The market was a new experience for a lot of the team.  We had fun watching the locals make intricate beaded bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and key chains.  It was hard to barter with the language barrier, but we managed to communicate by lots of gestures and writing numbers out on paper.  A few people found good deals on knock-off soccer jerseys, etc.

Nic showing off his Canada flag
face paint

Buying souveniers at the market
 In the evening we went to the youth group.  It was the biggest youth group that I have ever been to.  The average attendance is 200 kids.  I was talking to one of our translators and she said that is all of the La Fuente churches combined.  The age range was generally 13-30.   The pastor said that at times there have been over 400 people at a service!

Worship music at La Fuente's main
church in Tepic

Chatting with new friends during the
break at the worship service.
 There was amazing worship time.  It was the highlight of my day for sure.  I love how you can worship God even if you can’t understand what is being said.  I am learning and realizing that worship is not just for us.  It should be a time where we focus our hearts and thoughts on God.

There was a little bit of time where we got to mix in with rest of the youth.  We found some girls that spoke very good English.  We had fun talking about the differences between the two cultures.  We got to stay for part of the service as well, but had to leave early.  Sunday morning was going to be extra early, and we all need sleep!!

We are all safe and for the most part feeling well.  It is fun to share such a huge and exciting experience with a great bunch of friends.  Hope that everyone at home is doing well...and not missing us too much. J 

- Kayly

P.S. We are running out of time before our next session. I will update the captions on a later date.  - Mr. Stoesz 

P.P.S. Captions are now updated. Enjoy! - Mr. Stoesz



  1. Hi Alison and everyone!

    We sure enjoy the pictures and stories - thanks for the details Kayly! :) Alison, Dad is impressed with your painting...I think he has plans for you when you get home!

    We miss you and look forward to having you home, though we are so happy you have this experience! As we were reminded in church this morning, ALL good things come from God, and this experience is His gift to all of you! He has plans and a purpose for you, and will use this time in your life - I can't wait to see how! While you are serving in Mexico, remember you are serving an Awesome God! Enjoy every moment!

    <3 Mom, Dad and Veronica

  2. Once again a great post with wonderful pictures (Thank-you to whoever caught Nic without him knowing! He was smiling ;) Okay - so it was in a crowd but still!)
    Cannot wait to hear more details first hand but so thankful to God for these precious 'links' to you all while you are there.
    Savour the moments - be blessed and be a blessing!

  3. Hello Again,
    We are LOVING reading all the stories, and seeing all the pictures. Beautiful sunshine, beautiful smiles! We continue to pray for your team: for unity, safety, and Holy Spirit guidance in all you do. Ms. Stahl, how are you and baby doing?
    Love you,
    The Letkeman crew at home

  4. Thanks for the great updates and photos! LOVE IT!!!!
    Hey Josh - hope you are doing well, praying for you! Miss you bunches - grab onto what God has in store for you there son.

    Looking forward to hearing many many many more stories.

    Hugs to all
    The Stanley family(yes even Paul! :)

  5. Ha Steven you mist a good football game that went right to the end.
    Hope that you are working hard and making a difference.

    From Peter

  6. Thanks for the updates and photos! You have no idea how reassuring it is to see pictures of your teen - that you are used to seeing face to face almost every day!! We continue to pray for health, safety and God's touch on your lives and those you meet. Please let us know if there are specific requests. Trent, we miss you and are amazed how much milk there is in the fridge!
    Love, mom and dad

  7. Great to see you are all safe,happy,healthy and enlightened. Love the stories and photos, can only imagine the impact of really being there.

    Love Grandma and Grandpa

  8. Hey Gang, Thank you so much for allowing us back here to get an understanding of what your days are like out there. Hope that you are discovering allot about yourselves, each other, and God. Hope that your energy is still strong and that the older people along can keep up. We look forward to your return. Keep up your great work, allow yourselves to be used. Oh and Trent, your mom is loving your Jeep, she has figured out how to make your stereo display PINK and it smells all perfumey in there (eew I know hey!) LOL, so you will need to man it up when you get back. Thinking and praying for you all. Have a great Day!

  9. Thanks for all the updates and photos! It is great to see and hear about your trip before you are even back. Lots of love and prayers to you all. Enjoy every minute! We miss you Travis!! look forward to hearing "the rest of the stories"
    Love Mom and Dad and Ian

  10. Hi, Travis--good to see the picture of you sharing your testimony in Spanish--who knew??about the Spanish,I mean.You are doing a great ministry and we are so proud of you. G&G Wiebe
